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a sales manager is NOT
Do it
right and you'll lead your team to sales success, but do it wrong and
you'll hold them and the company back like an anchor.
on a mission to not just help salespeople be the best they can be, but
to help sales leaders be the best they can be as well.
So to
help, here are 5 tips to be a BETTER sales manager in 2022:
Hire The RIGHT People Into Your Sales Team
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best sales leaders out there FOCUS hard on recruitment. When they hire,
they take it incredibly seriously. None of this "sell me this
pen" nonsense, but a thorough process to find the best and right
talent for their sales team.
are our top tips for hiring the best sales talent:
Ask your
existing team and top performers for referrals, people they know who
might be a good fit
platforms like RepVue
to attract the best sales talent (your salespeople rate you their, and
your future salespeople will check your RepVue
score before they apply for your roles or interview with you)
They way they
sell to you during the interview (and prep for the interview) should be
to the standard you would expect them to sell to your prospects
Find EACH Persons Real Motivations
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every salesperson is purely motivated by money, and even those that are
may not be motivated by the money itself, but what that money might
represent to them (a house, holiday, new car etc).
down and have a 1-2-1 with each of your sales team and just get to know
THEM. What are they working for? What does really motivate them? And
then what can you do to help them achieve that. For example, if they're
saving for a house deposit, don't just help them earn commission for
it, but connect them with people/information that can help when buying
a new house.
- don't forget, motivations change. Perhaps they buy that house, what next?
This is something you want to check up on monthly/quarterly.
Ensure They Understand YOUR Expectations
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you're going on a road trip to somewhere you've never been before.
There are 2 options, do you map out your journey or just hit the road
and hope to make your way there? Most normal people will map out their
journey to create a better chance of getting to their destination in
the smoothest way. Sales is the same, and as a leader it is CRUCIAL
that your team know exactly what you expect from them.
goes beyond just KPI's, it could be down to what they need to do on the
CRM, what they need to do before prospecting, pitching, closing etc.
They should know EXACTLY what is expected of them (and why it's
expected obviously) to help them focus properly.
Find Technology Your Team Will ACTUALLY Use
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many sales teams are given tools that just aren't easy to use or the
right fit for them. We see this with CRM's, many teams don't use their
CRM because it's not designed well or easy to use.
is why we recommend Pipedrive,
it's the CRM built BY salespeople FOR salespeople.
Pipedrive is
a world leading CRM for user reviews, customer satisfaction and ease of
use. You can check
it out for yourself or for your sales team right here. (They
have one of the best pipeline management setups out of all CRM's making
it so much easier to manage sales pipelines for salespeople and sales
Make Each Person Feel VALUED
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a great quote "A person who feels appreciated will always do more
than is expected" and it's so true. Unfortunately, many salespeople
are not shown true appreciation and do not feel valued by their company
or sales manager. It's all targets, numbers and pressure, and sometimes
sprinkled with threats of losing their jobs if they don't hit their
are our top tips:
Praise your
sales people through internal emails and communications, and externally
on platforms like LinkedIn
Give them
personal gifts every so often to show them you appreciate them
Go above and
beyond for them
Tell them (and
be genuine) that you appreciate them as part of your team
Lead From The FRONT LINE
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If you
really want to be the best sales manager that you can, you need to get
out from your desk (physically or virtually) and let your sales team
see you leading from the front line. That might mean making sales calls
with them, crafting sales emails with them, using LinkedIn and Sales
Nav with them, make sure they see YOU working hard to lead them to
your team is part or fully remote, then this becomes a little more
challenging but that's where transparency and regular updates can help.
For example, you could send a daily or weekly update on the teams
activities and successes, also including your efforts and activities
for the week.
Provide The Best TRAINING Consistently
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you want your team to be the best you need to constantly support them
to be the best, and this will include consistent training. There is a
BIG key to doing this successfully though, your team doesn't want to
spend hours and hours in boring, not relevant training. You want the
right training delivered the right way by the right people.
to your team first, what do they want training on. Then look at your
data, what do they NEED training on. Then look for the best people that
can demonstrate success in that field and who have the right energy to
deliver sessions that drive engagement from your team.
are a few of our personal recommendations (based on feedback from sales
- John Barrows,
Jeb Blount
(Sales Gravy)
Calling Training
- Benjamin
Dennehey (UK's Most Hated Sales Trainer)
Selling/Sales Nav
- Daniel Disney
(King of LinkedIn & Social Selling)
- Dale
Dupree(Sales Rebellion)
- Marcus Chan
Training Subscription
- Sales Impact
Those are our 7 tips to be a
BETTER sales manager...
would be your BIGGEST
tip to be a better sales manager?
it in the comments!
see how many tips we can get that might just inspire some sales
managers out there.
we've talked about what it takes to be a better sales manager, and
choosing a CRM that your sales team will actually enjoy using is a BIG
part of that..
why we are so passionate about Pipedrive,
one of the world's best CRM's used by over 100,000+ companies
in 179 countries. You can try it
for free right here. The best sales managers
choose Pipedrive because it is DESIGNED specially
for sales teams and has been voted the easiest to
use CRM.
normally offer 14-day free trial but if you follow one of our links in
this newsletter you'll be able to get an extended 30-day free
trial and as a bonus, if you choose to use Pipedrive after
your trial, you'll get 20% discount on your first year
(that's a pretty amazing offer if we're honest!).
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If you're
potentially interested in trying Pipedrive out,
we have a few extra resources that might help:
- The 5 best
features of Pipedrive CRM
- 10 reasons
salespeople LOVE Pipedrive CRM
- Import prospect
details instantly from LinkedIn using Pipedrive
- Why salespeople
are switching from their current CRM to Pipedrive CRM
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