Monday, December 30, 2019

Have You Had A Lazy Holiday Season? Get Some Exercise To Reduce Risk Of Seven Types Of Cancer, Says New Study

Victoria Forster Contributor Dec 27, 2019, 07:40am
Everybody knows that an appropriate amount of exercise is good for you, but now a new study involving data from more than 750,000 adults has linked physical activity to a lower risk of several types of cancer.
The work published yesterday, where many of us will have fallen significantly short of fulfilling our recommended quota of daily exercise due to the holidays, shows that following guidelines for activity of 2.5 to 5 hours a week of moderate intensity activity or 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous activity reduced the risk of cancers including of the colon, breast, kidney and liver.
Exercise intensity is measured in METs (metabolic equivalents) where 1 MET is the amount of energy expended whilst sitting down resting. Moderate-intensity activities are considered to be those that burn off between 3-6 times as much energy per minute as sitting quietly (3-6 METs) and for most people include activities such as pilates, yoga, leisurely cycling or walking at a brisk pace. Vigorous activities are considered to be anything which use over 6 times as much energy as sitting quietly (>6 METs)and include jogging, brisk cycling and activities such as circuit training.
Of the 15 cancer types studied, 7 were associated with a statistically significant lower risk of occurrence if recommended physical activity guidelines were met. Interestingly, there appeared to be a ‘dose dependent’ correlation between the amount of hours of physical exercise done and the level of the risk reduction. For example, men who did 7.5 MET hours of exercise a week had an 8% lower risk of colon cancer, but those who did 15 MET hours had a 14% reduced risk. Other cancers associated with a reduction in risk when physical activity guidelines were met were cancers of the kidney, liver and myeloma in both sexes and non-hodgkin lymphoma, endometrial cancer and breast cancer in women only.
 ‘These findings provide direct quantitative support for the levels of activity recommended for cancer prevention and provide actionable evidence for ongoing and future cancer prevention efforts,’ conclude the study authors in the paper.
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However, the researchers do note that there were some limitations to the study including limited numbers of non-white participants, small numbers of certain types of cancer and the fact that physical activity levels were self-reported and may not always have been accurate.
Nevertheless, the research provides more evidence that exercise can be effective in helping to prevent some types of cancer.
“Physical activity guidelines have largely been based on their impact on chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” said Alpa Patel, Ph.D., senior scientific director of epidemiology research at the American Cancer Society and author of the new paper. “These data provide strong support that these recommended levels are important to cancer prevention, as well,” Patel added.

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