Monday, November 11, 2019

Exceeding Expectations

A leader with great expectations develops a team of great performers.  Mediocrity is not an option.
Every year, month, week, and even day people dream their dreams, set their goals, and make their plans. With high expectations they are hoped for but rarely worked for. Within our society, the majority of people don't meet expectations, this being around 80 percent, around 15 percent of people actually, meet expectations, while about five percent of people exceed expectations. These numbers derive from my own experience in the sales and management industry.
Now, the question arises, what sets apart the people who meet and exceed expectations from the rest of us? What do they do differently, what do they practice, how do they think? Below are 7 characteristics of people who exceed their own
1. Clarity
People who meet and exceed their expectations have a crystal-clear picture of their mission at hand. Their clarity is composed of details and reasons. They focus on meaningful activities that bear results while having their sights set on their goal.
2. Understanding the 10/90 Principle
People who exceed their expectations understand that we do not have any control over 10 percent of our lives. This is everything that happens to us while 90 percent of our lives are all about how we respond. They can turn a mediocre day into an exceptional day with the right course of Action and Understanding. We all start our days the same but end them differently based on the reactions we have toward the day's challenges and opportunities.
3. Anticipation
People who exceed expectations are Active, not Reactive; they are Proactive, not Passive. Proactive Anticipation makes the difference between a winner and a loser. They are forward thinkers who are intentional with their activities. They are always ready for what is to come by making adjustments before something happens. They are alert and prepared.
4. Innovative
Constant innovation. People who exceed expectations think outside the box; in fact, they don't even believe in a box. They are always finding new ways to do things, always getting ahead in the game, and are always setting and breaking records. They know where they want to go and how to construct their path to get there.
5. Massive Action
People who exceed expectations don't simply act; instead, they take massive action. This means that no matter what, they make it work! With full force and 120 percent energy, they are in it to win it. They give it their all and all they've got. They hustle, pay the price, and never give excuses. There are no simple gestures, only massive actions.
6. Look your best 
Dress for success. People who exceed expectations not only act the part, they also look the part. Both inwardly and outwardly, they are at their best. They understand the significance and importance of first impressions. At every moment, they are ready.
7. Compassion
 You've got to love what you do daily. No one has ever been able to succeed, let alone exceed, without compassion for what they do. People who exceed expectations are driven by their love for what they do. Their passion and purpose are aligned and meet triumphantly at the reality of their dreams and goals.
Now is the time to set your standards high and your expectations even higher. Be intentional with practicing and perfecting these champion characteristics. Don't become the excuse that is holding you back from your own success. Simply ask, what do you expect of yourself? Take advantage of this opportunity to inspire, encourage, and lead others by the examples you set for yourself. Let's start the "No Excuses" journey together.

Farshad Asl Top Leaders News Top Leaders Academy

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