Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Father's Day!

"An almost perfect relationship with his father was the earthly root of all his wisdom." - C.S. Lewis

With today being Father's Day, I am thinking about the fascinating role of fatherhood. I love my children more than I can express and more than they'll likely ever know. Nothing in this world compares to being a dad - absolutely nothing. For all the dads reading this, we share a universal bond. Today signifies more than just a celebratory occasion of gifting handwritten cards, ties and receiving other tokens of our children's affection. It's the accumulation of every wonderfully exciting event and the harrowing experiences that separate dads from those who "fathered" children.

I cannot imagine the difficulty of raising a large family in the Middle East during the Iranian Revolution. However, my father never once complained. On the contrary, he tirelessly worked to provide for his eight children and set the standard for pursuing excellence regardless of adversity and obstacles with absolutely no excuses! Challenges were merely opportunities my father used to demonstrate his strength and resolve towards accomplishing his goals. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, my dad pursued a Master's degree during a time and in a place when advanced education was considered unnecessary and act of frivolity.

Even at eighty-years-old, my dad continues his consulting business, along with actively mentoring younger entrepreneurs, and coaching executives at large corporations. My dad is the most magnificent man I've ever known. He taught me these five principles that I'd like to share with you as well:
  1. Work hard; work like you own the business.
  2. Be willing to take risks as if you're winning every single time. Have FAITH.
  3. Invest and create cash flow like there's no tomorrow.
  4. Help the underprivileged, regard them as being part of your own family.
  5. Never stop thinking; never stop creating.
It's my hope you'll take time to thank God for being the best Father and in so doing, take pride in this particular day, giving praise and glory to Him for making all things possible, especially blessing us with the role of fatherhood.

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