Monday, November 11, 2019

Selling is Serving

"Everyone lives by selling something" Robert Louis Stevenson

What does selling really mean to you?

Many people are skeptical to get involved with any business or opportunity that has anything to do with sales. This is because "sales" is often misunderstood. It seems scary, self-serving, and perhaps even superficial. Salespeople are often viewed with skepticism and seen as overly aggressive, untrustworthy or dishonest. Nevertheless, these definitions couldn't be more wrong.

The fact is, today sales is a sophisticated, respected profession that moves our global economy daily. Sales generates millions of dollars in profit and income for companies and individuals alike. And these common misconceptions sometimes cause a lot of talented people to miss their true calling and pass up some great opportunities. This suspicious attitude also proliferates outdated stereotypes and prevents people from getting the help or service they really need.

The sales world is all about closing the deal. But, closing the deal is more than just selling, it is MOVING people from where they are to where they should be; helping them make the right choices for themselves and act toward their financial freedom, their lifestyle, peace of mind, and legacy. 

The reality is, selling is an art as well as a science. Selling is the process of persuasion. It is finding and filling a need. It is understanding. It is serving and helping others find solutions with passion and integrity. Selling is really all about trust. It is about understanding someone's goals and needs.

Selling is a lot like coaching. In order to get the right information to help someone, you must ask a lot of questions first. Selling is all about asking the right questions and actively asking, listening and engaging with the client to help them take action that meets their needs, whether it's purchasing an appliance or a retirement plan.

The Three A's of Sales:
  1. Attitude
  2. Approach
  3. Activity
The sales profession is not the issue itself; it is the attitudeapproach, and activity that you have toward the sales process that impacts the understanding and experience of it. Sales Managers can only help you with your approach (product knowledge, phone scripts, sales cycles, sales process, etc.).

Your attitude and activity are the areas that only you can control. You can't have an ordinary attitude and expect extraordinary results or perform average activities and expect above average outcomes. Take massive action, keep improving your approach, maintain your positive attitude, and actively serve people by adding value to their lives every chance you get. Before you know it, the "sales" will take care of themselves.

Here are the three major areas you should improve and build on in order to succeed in sales:

1.     Marketing
Marketing is getting people's attention so every time they want to make a buying decision, they will remember you. "With a solid 'prospecting' system you will find people to present your products and services to; with a solid 'marketing' system, people will find you and want to learn about your products and services. During this process, your brand is born. For better understanding of marketing, refer to "Prospect to Prosper"

2.     Presentation and Closing
No matter how much you know or how good you are with the product or service, it will not sell itself. The sales system is a process.
  1. Warm up and build relationships
  2. Ask questions and identify the needs
  3. Present the product or service
  4. Show the benefits
  5. Close and actively listen to any objections
  6. Warm down - continue to build the relationship and get referrals
You can read further about the sales process in "The Art and Science of Selling - Dispelling the Myths."

3.    Follow-Up
Sales without a follow-up system is incomplete. A structured follow-up system improves the retention, helps promote your brand, ensures your credibility, lowers the cost of marketing and builds loyalty. In order to have a No Excuses follow-up system, check out The Transformative Trio.
Sales is all about adding value, making a difference, and helping people. Someone is closing deals today, regardless of the weather, economy, politics, or any other excuses. The true definition of real sales is service: 

Selling is Serving:
Serving people
Asking questions
Listening actively
Engaging the client
Supporting their decision

Realize and remember the principles above and you will start 'closing the deal' on a regular basis, resulting in more sales than you ever imagined!

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Zig Ziglar

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