Monday, November 11, 2019

Are You Tired of Too Many Meetings

Whether live or virtual, our days sometimes seem like an endless round of meetings to be squeezed in between real work to meet deadlines and achieve goals. While most meetings are seemingly held to enhance communication and increase productivity, the truth is, most take up more time than they are worth and often don't achieve their real objectives. Do you want to figure out how to create more effective, memorable meetings?

Attracting and maintaining the attention of your audience is key to having a successful meeting. Oftentimes, we spend a lot of time preparing and agonizing over elaborate notes, power point presentations, complicated slides, and other collateral materials we think are essential. But many participants view these as information overload. You can almost see their eyes glazing over as their minds start to wander.
After 20 years of facilitating meetings, group coaching sessions, workshops and seminars, I have evaluated my own hits and misses. I have learned that the most effective meetings are the ones that don't just transfer information, but give participants a sense of ownership in the process, creating empowerment that leads to action.

Below are my 9 steps on how to run more impactful meetings:

WORRY LESS about your preparation. Reflect more about how you are going to ENGAGE your audience. Think about what you want the OUTCOME to be. Don't just dryly provide information and facts. Share your ideas in a way that empowers your listeners and inspires ACTION.

DEFINE the purpose of the meeting. Start the session with CLARITY of your vision. Clearly COMMUNICATE what participants will GAIN from the time they invest listening to you.

CREATE an opportunity for DIALOG and DISCUSSION. People who don't weigh in, don't buy- in. It's the BUY-IN that counts.

Start by asking the group what their EXPECTATIONS are. Explain why they are there and what you hope to accomplish together. Make sure everyone is on the same page.

Don't be the only person who does all the talking. The best meetings are where your group is fully engaged, and they SHARE their INPUT along your mutual journey of DISCOVERY. Let the power of the moment kick in and LEAD the discussion.

Create a safe environment for FULL TRANSPARENCY. Make it clear you are there to help each other. If participants feel that they cannot freely communicate their issues and challenges, you will end up with a very unproductive meeting. Use humor. Be open and make yourself vulnerable. Don't only share your success, share some of your mistakes. CREATE A SENSE OF EQUALITY AND RELATABILITY.

Let your audience know how important their success is to you. Don't shy away from receiving and giving FEEDBACK. Open communication is key. Be sincere. Let them know you really care by telling them how important their contribution is to your success too. You are in this TOGETHER.

Create a WOW moment along the way. Let your creativity loose. Don't be afraid of using humor. Think outside the box. Illustrate your points by sharing success stories, testimonials, or feedback from others. Bring a surprise guest or unexpected speaker. Whatever you do, ALWAYS GIVE THEM MORE THAN THEY EXPECT.

Show your gratitude by thanking your audience sincerely for their attendance and participation. Recap the most important points of the meeting and help them develop an appropriate plan of action.

Leading a meeting doesn't mean just keeping it going. The purpose of 'running' a meeting is to engage people in the sharing of information in a way that intentionally moves them to action towards a common goal and impacts the desired outcome. How many of the 9 steps above will you use to empower your audience and improve the effectiveness of your meetings?

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