Wednesday, November 13, 2019

More Companies Are Increasing Their Recognition of the Value Home Care May Bring to Health Care

A major component to growth within any industry for a product or service is acknowledgment and recognition that it’s worthwhile. Home care has long been a powerful asset for elderly and disabled men and women who need help at home. 
In recent years, though, the value of home care has been increasing, especially as the federal government is placing more pressure on hospitals to reduce readmission rates. This has led to a careful study of the various services and supports patients might require once discharged and sent home. 
Now, insurance providers and other companies are beginning to fully recognize just how beneficial the right home care supports can be. This has been reflected in coverage options as well as new flexibility for Medicare Advantage plans. 
According to the Houston Chronicle, in an op-ed piece titled, Health care takes place beyond the doctor’s office [Opinion], written by Ken Satrom: 
“We’ve seen a change in policies at the federal level, too. For example, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced more flexibility for health care companies that offer Medicare Advantage plans to provide benefits that aren’t traditional medical services, including transportation to a doctor’s appointment, home-delivered meals, and allowances to purchase assistive devices at home. 
Health insurance providers have moved swiftly in response, and our company is an example of that. Amerigroup Texas Medicare believes that removing social barriers to better overall health is critical for everyone in our state. We recently announced that individuals enrolled in some of Amerigroup’s 2019 Medicare Advantage plans can select one of six services that best fits their health care needs at no additional cost.”  
While some of the focus on these benefits might involve visiting nurses, or home health care providers, home care aides are also being viewed as far more valuable than they might have in the past. This can be a great boon to the home care industry as a whole, so long as agencies and companies embrace a stronger networking opportunity with doctors, hospitals, and other medical providers. 
There are numerous factors that impact a person’s health and well-being. Access to quality medical care is one of them and having the right information, right physical and emotional support at home, and getting the right balance of exercise and nutrition are just more players on the field. 
As more companies recognize the value of home care support, it may lead to greater opportunities for care among those who need it most.

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