Eakinomics: Expediting
Infrastructure into the Unknown
Guest authored by Ewelina
Czapla, AAF's Director of Energy Policy
The Trump Administration has made two attempts recently to boost
infrastructure development recently. Will these efforts work?
To recap, on June 4, President Trump signed an executive order (EO) that
broadly calls on all agencies (with the exception of independent agencies)
not only to “speed infrastructure investments” but also to “speed other
actions in addition to such investment that will strengthen the economy and
return Americans to work.” The EO is transparently a response to the
unprecedented economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to
historic levels of unemployment. It calls for agencies to complete speedier
reviews of these projects, which the administration hopes, in turn, will
expedite their implementation and create jobs sooner rather than later as a
Even more recently, the Council on Environmental Quality’s Final Rule –
Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – was issued earlier this month.
Decisions by government agencies that impact the environment, such as the
construction of infrastructure projects, like highways, pipelines, and
ports, are subject to review under NEPA. This rulemaking aims to reduce the
complexity and duration of review times that have increased over the
decades since NEPA’s enactment.
Both the EO and the rulemaking are aimed at expediting infrastructure
projects, as delays caused by the complexities of regulatory review can
both push back construction and increase costs. As these costs are often
passed on to consumers or taxpayers, we all win when infrastructure
projects are built more efficiently. But the problem is that neither the EO
nor the rule are likely to reduce those costs because they are fodder for
activists and attorneys.
The EO rests on the authority granted to the federal government to act in
response to emergencies, typically natural disasters. It requested that the
Departments of Transportation, Interior, Agriculture, and Defense, as well
as the Army Corps of Engineers, each provide a summary report listing all
such projects that will be expedited within 30 days of the EO’s
release, or July 3, 2020. This day has come and gone with the
administration refusing to provide any information on the projects in
consideration. In response, the validity of the EO has been broadly questioned.
Is this truly the kind of emergency our laws were intended to address? And
public interest groups have wondered how they can voice their concerns
about projects secretly selected to skip typical steps such as notice and
comment. Their voice will likely be heard in the courtroom, a growing trend
in recent years.
The rule, on the other hand, overwrites decades of legal developments in a
complex web of regulatory mandates and agency coordination and guidance,
some of which were hard fought for by activists who have already declared
they’re ready to keep fighting. What’s more, the rule will be subject to
the Congressional Review Act, which allows the repeal of a new rule issued
within 60 legislative days before Congress’s adjournment prior to an election.
That uncertainty leaves infrastructure developers to work with agencies
trying to sort this rule out while potentially finding themselves in the
courtroom, and while running the risk of the rule’s repeal. I can see
why they wouldn’t be thrilled to take advantage of all this expediting
they’ve been granted.
It is perfectly understandable for the administration to want to expedite
infrastructure projects during the pandemic. The outcome of its actions,
however, may simply be more litigation and delays.
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